Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good news, God is sovereign

A couple of years ago, I saw a snippet of a Billy Graham speech. I think it was part of a larger program, probably honoring his life, and all I recall were the words he uttered with conviction: "Good news! God is sovereign!"

I was sitting on my friend's carpet at the time, during a rather difficult and dry period in my life. Somehow that message resounded through my brain, shaking its foundations. And yet, it was such a simple message. "Good news, God is sovereign!". So simple that it's laughable - after all, God, by definition, is sovereign. Even an atheist knows that. Despite its simplicity, the short sentence pronounced with vigor moved me almost to tears.

What an easy thing for us to forget, that God is sovereign. His dominion stretches infinitely; His kingdom covers you, everything you are, and everything you see. When troubles come our way, it's easy to forget that God is sovereign, that the future is in His hands. When God doesn't respond to our requests the way we want him to, it's easy to forget that God is sovereign, not us. And when everything that can go wrong does go wrong, when our hurdles look like mountains, it's easy to forget that God is sovereign over all these things. Lastly, when everything goes against us, it's easy to forget that God is on our side. If you've ever asked yourself: "God is sovereign, so what?", tell yourself that this is good news!

I don't know what the original context of Billy Graham's sermon was. Quite possibly, the phrase was used in the wider context of a different message. Whatever the case, the phrase "Good news, God is sovereign" (though it is laughably simple) should be kept away like weaponry, to be brought out whenever the devil attacks.

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