I had hoped to escape the stereotype of a Christian woman writing solely about "micro" issues such as marriage and relationships - I had fully intended for my next writing "project" to be an exploration of faith vs works. However, recent conversations with young people around me convinced me that these "micro" issues need to be addressed just as much, perhaps even more urgently.
While my previous article was directed toward married couples, this is for those who are unmarried - either single, or in a relationship that hasn't progressed on to engagement or marriage. As I write this, I have been married to my husband for four years. It was not so long ago that I was single, praying and asking God to "prepare" for me my future "other half". Some of the issues that I have outlined below are issues that I myself have wrestled with - others have arisen from my conversation with people in similar situations.
What is Sola Scriptura?
Sola Scriptura is a slogan that was coined in the sixteenth century by the emerging Reformation in protest against the Catholic Church. Sola Scriptura means scripture alone - only the Holy Bible is to be viewed as definitive, prescriptive and divinely inspired. It means that we base our life and decisions solely on what the Bible says. It doesn't mean that we don't look to other sources to help us understand the Bible (indeed I will be using lots of dictionaries and commentaries to help write this series), but it does mean that scripture alone is holy writ.
Christian boy-girl relationships is a hot topic, as I have discovered, and everybody has an opinion. Almost everyone has some opinions on how it should or shouldn't be done - and the married couples are often quick to say: "Well, this is how we did it". It all gets very confusing. Sola Scriptura asks the question: what does the Bible say?
Some frequently asked questions:
(Click on the question you are most interested in. If there is a question that is not covered, contact me and I'll give it a go.)
I'm Christian and single, and I'm ready for a relationship. How do I "handle" my singleness?
- Is there a soulmate for me?
- Is there a "Biblical" way to meet someone?
- Does the Bible really say that I can only date other Christians?
- How do I "prepare" myself for a relationship?
I'm Christian and in a relationship, it's all going pretty well, but...
- How do I really know that he/she is the one God has prepared for me?
What does the Bible actually say about sex outside of marriage?
What does the Bible say about pornography?
If you have any other questions that are not covered above, then contact me via the comments.
God willing, I will move on to some "meaty" theological topics. Coming up next: faith vs works.
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